Music: I know I talk about music a lot on this blog. The thing is, there is no other thing in reality that I can ever love like or as much as music. It is the only true connection all human beings have, and when you really feel a song or an album, there is no other feeling like it. What else keeps you guessing? What else keeps you constantly searching for new obsessions? What else can take you from where you currently are and place you at an exact moment and place in your life? Certainly not a person. I've been in love before. It is certainly one of life's most valuable and precious things, and I hope to find it again. It is a fleeting and mysterious occurrence. The singer and song-writer Frank Turner once said "Music: it's my substitute for love". For quite a while that line said a lot to me. However, after much thought, Music>love.
Sometimes it seems like I am the only one so crazy about music. I know I'm not, it is stupid and selfish to think I am. I just wish there were more people that were so fanatical about it as I am, ones I could talk to. I have Laura, and she shares a lot of my musical taste. But sometimes I feel like I'm preaching when I talk to her about the newest album or band I love. If I ever found a girlfriend who was as crazy about this stuff as me...Well life would be perfect. I just want someone who relates Weatherbox's The Cosmic Drama as much as I do. I want to meet someone who can talk to me about Fugazi's discography and how they evolved so much; how amazing they really were. Someone who appreciates Brand New for the great, if sometimes over-hyped, band that they are. Maybe a girl to talk about Okkervil River's sense of cohesive themes and vivid imagery they use on their albums. A person who can appreciate all the beautiful pop music out there, all the passion-drenched hardcore and punk, the endless amount of interesting and challenging "indie" music. Someone to recite lyrics to, hoping it means something to them as well. I know you people are out there. Hopefully single girls, but if not that's okay too (wink wink).
I should be reading the Over Achievers.
Music for the night: Brand New- Daisy : It happened. I have been waiting all summer for this album. All I can say is: wow. I will have a review written for this as soon as I can. Definitely worth a review. All I should say is: I love it.

hi, pal thats me.