Woke up today feeling like it was really early. Turns out I woke up at 11:30. I'm feeling a bit off today, maybe it's the shitty weather. Anyway, the rest of my summer is looking pretty good. Vermont on Friday, Coheed and Cambria later this month, hopefully just doing as much as i can. I can't deny that I am looking forward to Fall. Not school, just the season. I miss writing. I started a story about a month ago, but I'm starting to think it'll be a throw away. I need some inspiration. Not to mention I should start writing lyrics again, for TFH. Speaking of TFH, we really need to get practicing again. Recording and shows need to happen soon...
I'm hoping that once this blog become more of a regular thing, I'll discuss real events in my life and rant about real topics. However, until then, it looks as if it'll be me talking about life and shit.
Music for the day: Fleet Foxes- Fleet Foxes: Saw this band live last Thursday. I can honestly say it was one of the best concerts I have been to. The band's harmonies were perfect, and the songs sounded about twice as good live. Seeing them live has made me appreciate this album so much more.

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