Went to Musikfest for the second time last night. The first time was better. It was fine at first, until a few people whose company I do not really enjoy anymore showed up. Turned into a rather awkward night. Happens, I guess.
Tomorrow I will be leaving to, first, visit my aunt and uncle's in New York, then up to Vermont until Monday. My family's (usually..) annual trip up to the state is always a fun experience. We fit enough shit into 2 days that it becomes almost impossible to be bored. The town we visit is probably the most hippie-like place I have ever been. Proves to be very good for music, book, and thrift store shopping. Hopefully something interesting will happen up there that I can blog about upon my return.
A trip to Philadelphia is in the works for mid-November to see Brand New. I don't think anyone understands how happy that show would make me. The challenging part will be buying tickets before they inevitably sell out...
A wave of nostalgia hit me last night. It was almost random, really. I am so much happier with my life now, but sometimes you just miss having someone, you know? Good thing I got over it quick. I guess only time will tell what this year brings me.
Sorry for the lack of any real substance to this post.
See you Monday.
Music for the day: Dr. Manhattan- Jam Dreams: Got into this band last year. The debut could be found somewhere between weird "indie" and pop-punk. However, on this newest album the band pretty much took everything weird about the debut, multiplied it by 10, and removed anything that fans might have expected. Delightfully weird, fun, and refreshing. Check it out.

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