As you may be able to tell from my previous entry, I was feeling quite odd last night. I'm starting to think it was sleep deprivation...but at the time I was thoroughly convinced there was something wrong with my mind. I felt like a different person. But I feel better now.
While at the mall tonight, I destroyed my broken phone. Thanks to the emotional support of a new, shiny, better phone, I could finally bring myself to smash my once prized possession. For some reason, the end of my older phone brought some sort of closure to me. I haven't an idea why, but something felt like it ended. Something that needed to end. I really enjoy this chapter in my life. I feel free, and I feel happy. Aimless for now...but maybe Limbo isn't as bad as they say. In small doses.
Music for the night: Crime In Stereo- Is Dead: Always saw this band and brushed them off as a nu-metal bullshit band. Couldn't have been more wrong. Really great stuff. The only way i could describe this album would be a more "punk" Brand New. Or maybe a more experimental Rise Against mixed with a tad of Fugazi and later Thrice.

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