Summer 2009: I know it isn't over yet, but I feel like it's a topic that needs discussing. Sure, I've been having my fair share of prototypical "boring summer days", but I am thoroughly satisfied with this summer so far. After having grown drastically and suddenly apart from someone who (at one point) meant quite a bit to me, I have grown closer to my other friends; the ones that count. This summer has brought on so many nights of fun, even if they came in the form of just wandering about the town. There are so many people in my life that probably will not ever know how much they affect me. I can honestly say I am happy where I am in life right now.
Music for the night: fun. - Aim and Ignite. : About as far into the pop dimension as my library goes. However, it is not easy to find an album that is so addicting; an album that literally drags you back for another listen. Recommended.

You're such a dick about Crystal it's getting to the point of entertaining.