Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"We are beggars, all"

Today was my last day in Allentown for a while. I hung out with Emily for a while, but otherwise nothing really happened. Sort of sucks, really. However, I did get my haircut. And it is quite different. It's about a half of an inch away from being a buzz cut, and I'm debating whether or not I should just take the rest of it off. Probably not. Either way, it is the shortest it's ever been. Interesting.

Not really feeling the idea of going away for a week during my last stretch of summer. Very inconvenient. Wish I could just stay home and finish my summer reading and see friends. Oh well.

We got our school schedules today. Save for a few classes here and there, I am not with my good friends nearly enough. It really does suck. Hopefully at this point classes will not affect my relationships with people. Seeing that there were only a few people whose schedules i really wanted to see has made me realize how my group of friends has become less expansive. I'm much better friends with about five people than I've ever been, but some of my other friendships have fallen by the wayside. Hopefully things will pick up where they left off with some of these other kids once school starts. We'll see. Either way, I enjoyed all the time i spent with people this summer. Thanks guys.

I guess this will be my last post for a week or so.

Music for tonight: Same as yesterday. After a few listens, I have to say that Beggars is a truly remarkable album. Please listen to it.

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