So I can't deny it anymore: school is almost here. I still have half a book to finish, and some supply shopping to do. I am really not ready. This summer was really quite enjoyable, and the entire length of it I felt all of my scholastic motivation seeping out. Hopefully that changes when classes begin, but I feel a bit different this year. This summer has been a very happy one for me, and only contained a few lonely or depressing days. (most of which were recently) Either way, I am NOT ready for school.
Past: Lately I have been thinking about time. things change so much with the passage of it. This summer went both fast and slow; it seems like it went by in the blink of an eye, but when I look back at the last days of school, they feel like years ago. Looking into the future is one of the scariest things for me. Well, maybe scary isn't the word. At any rate, it causes me some anxiety. I really am just looking for happiness. Theoretically, If I just did everything how I think I should in the moment, it would eliminate my future problems, and eventually push the ones out of my past. Too bad there are so many variables. Most notably: people. Well I don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll deem this rant a failure and move on
By the way, expect blogs at a regular pace again.
Music for the day: Poetry of The Deed- Frank Turner : Really good album. His other two albums were both good, but usually hit or miss with me. This one seems to be more consistent overall. Pretty much an English guy that sings cool, honest folk songs. Check it out

i expect blogs at a regular pace again