Although my mix CD had these in a slightly different order, this is my final, official order for my favorite albums released in 2009. This is only a top 20, and there were so many excellent albums released this year. With time, some of the albums that didn't make the top 20 may even kick some of these ones off. Time will tell, you can never guess how a certain album will age. Anyway, this was a fantastic year for music, and I believe this list accurately portrays my taste in music this year. In addition to the new albums released, I have been looking into older things quite a bit. Each year my musical taste just keeps expanding, and I wouldn't be surprised if 2010's list consisted only of "indie"(good music) albums. I'm still about 40% and 60% Pitchfork (although their reviews piss me off to no end), but I can feel my taste shifting rapidly toward the indie-crop. But you already knew that. Before this year ends, I will have a huge synopsis of what 2009 meant to me.
1. Weatherbox- The Cosmic Drama

2. Brand New- Daisy

3. Titus Andronicus- The Airing of Grievances (reissued in 2009, so I'll count it)

4. Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson- Summer of Fear

5. The Antlers- Hospice

6. Manchester Orchestra- Mean Everything To Nothing

7. fun.- Aim and Ignite

8. Animal Collective- Merriweather Post Pavilion

9. Grizzly Bear- Veckatimest

10. The Dangerous Summer- Reach For The Sun

11. Thrice- Beggars

12. Kiss Kiss- The Meek Shall Inherit What's Left

13. Portugal. The Man- The Satanic Satanist

14. Silversun Pickups- Swoon

15.mewithoutYou- It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright.

16. The Rural Alberta Advantage- Hometowns

17. Last Lights- No Past No Present No Future

18. Kevin Devine- Brother's Blood

19. The Dear Hunter- Act III: Life and Death

20. Pissed Jeans- King of Jeans
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